Hello Sprobe
June 21, 2021 is my official onboarding with Sprobe, Inc. As per my official designation, I’ll be working in a project that utilizes bash, awk and postgresql. Of course, it should be more than that but I can’t tell you much at this point.
I’m currently setting up my workstations which are all Windows 10. As I’m a heavy CLI user since my employment at GoAbroad, I tried installing MSYS2. I find it more convenient and flexible to install and use than Cygwin while I was working at Nokia Manila TC. Turned out, I DON’T NEED it. There’s a better and seamless way….WSL or Windows Subsystem for Linux.
Head over to Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation Guide for Windows 10. Install at least one Linux distro and the Windows Terminal. You will have ‘sudo’ and can access the Windows paths from within the Linux terminal.